
    Transcription by Kate Atkinson

    I have loved many of Kate Atkinson’s books (esp the Jackson Brodie series), and was happy to receive a copy of Transcription from Little, Brown & Co. and NetGalley In return for my honest review. Possibly I am just burned out on historical fiction set in and around WWII featuring a plucky heroine, but…this didn’t …

    On Desperate Ground by Hampton Sides

    My husband is a military history buff – if we are in a bookstore and get separated, I know I will find him in the military history section, and if I lose him in a public library, I just look in the 940s through the 990s. He has read hundreds of books on military history …

    Lords of the Desert by James Hall

    I confess to a high level of ignorance (or a low level of awareness, depending on how I feel that day) about the Middle East. I know things are basically a huge mess there, have been for many years, and seem unlikely to improve (despite Jared Kushner being put in charge of peace in the …

    White Houses by Amy Bloom

    My book club selected Amy Bloom’s White Houses, and I was looking forward to reading it. Thanks to Random House and NetGalley, I received a copy in exchange for my honest review. I generally enjoy historical fiction, I am not bothered by “faction,” and I truly enjoy a good roman a clef. So why did …

    1917 by David Stevenson

    Over the years, I have gone through periods of fascination (obsession?) with WW I, reading fiction and nonfiction. It’s always been something I never could quite get my hands around in terms of understanding – we learned in school about Archduke Franz Ferdinand, trench warfare, etc. but that was just skimming the surface. With the …