Middle East

    Lords of the Desert by James Hall

    I confess to a high level of ignorance (or a low level of awareness, depending on how I feel that day) about the Middle East. I know things are basically a huge mess there, have been for many years, and seem unlikely to improve (despite Jared Kushner being put in charge of peace in the …

    Crusade and Jihad by William Polk

    The subtitle of William Polk’s Crusade and Jihad really grabbed me: “The thousand-year war between the Muslim world and the Global North.” Maybe, I thought, THIS will help me understand the mess in the Middle East, the hatred of Muslims that is not only overt but seemingly encouraged under the current US Administration, and just …

    And Then All Hell Broke Loose by Richard Engel

    Even though I find the subject of the Middle East depressing these days, I LOVE Richard Engel’s reporting, so I was excited to get an advance copy of his book And Then All Hell Broke Loose: Two Decades in the Middle East from NetGalley in return for my honest review. Overall, I will just say …